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To display the date of the last post in WordPress, you can use the get_lastpostdate() function, which retrieves the date and time of the last post in the WordPress database. Here’s how you can display it in your theme files (e.g., footer.php, sidebar.php, index.php, etc.):

$last_post_date = get_lastpostdate('gmt'); // Get the last post date in GMT timezone
if ($last_post_date) {
echo 'Last post date: ' . date('F j, Y', strtotime($last_post_date));


  1. get_lastpostdate(‘gmt’): This function retrieves the date and time of the last post in the WordPress database. The ‘gmt’ parameter ensures the date returned is in GMT (UTC) timezone.
  2. date(‘F j, Y’, strtotime($last_post_date)): This formats the retrieved date ($last_post_date) into a human-readable format like “January 1, 2023”. Adjust the format ('F j, Y') to suit your preference.
  3. if ($last_post_date): This condition checks if a valid date is returned before displaying it. This helps in cases where there might not be any posts yet.
  4. echo: Outputs the formatted last post date.

Place this code where you want the last post date to appear in your theme files. Remember to wrap it in PHP tags (<?php ?>) if you’re adding it directly to a PHP file. Adjust the date format ('F j, Y') as needed to match your site’s style.