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Microsoft Clarity is a behavior analytics tool that allows you to literally see how users interact with your site and spot user experience issues that can harm your performance.

You can think of it as a tool that fills the heat mapping and session recording gap in GA4. You can even integrate these two to watch recordings of user segments set up in GA4.

Key use cases

  • Use heatmaps to discover user experience issues like rage clicks (rapidly clicking in an area), dead clicks (clicks with no effects), and click backs (immediately leaving a page).
  • Use session recordings to pinpoint places where users might hesitate, get stuck, focus, or skip the content.

Highlighted feature: Recordings

You can use session recordings to see which parts of your pages, apps or platforms are most engaging and which make you lose clicks (and potentially money). And no worries, users remain anonymous (Microsoft Clarity is GDPR- and CCPA-compliant).

The recording feature looks like this. The thin orange line indicates cursor movement, and the blue circles mean that the user clicked.

Recording feature in Microsoft Clarity.

Since there’s probably no use in watching all of the recordings, you’ll find the filtering and segmenting option highly useful. For example, you can watch only the sessions with rage clicks or the ones where users viewed the pricing page and entered through Google Ads.

Using segments to display only selected user recordings.

